Rykunova Anastasiya

The main themes in my work are a narrative about the society around me, human experience, loss and remnants of war in my homeland (2014, Lugansk).
My work has been influenced by artists such as: Lucian Freud, Phil Hale, Francois Bard, Käthe Kollwitz, Andrew Wyeth.

2015-2017 - Moscow Central School of Art at the Russian Academy of Arts.
2018 - present. Studio Aidan Salakhova (Surikov Moscow State Academic Institute).

Selected exhibitions:
2023 - Distant Echo, Sistema gallery, Moscow, Russia
2022 - Act of Creation, Sol Gallery, Moscow, Russia
2022 - If you feel like a nail, everything around seems like a hammer, Sistema Gallery, Moscow, Russia
2018 - Cesarevitch's Eastern Journey 1890-1891 in the paintings of his contemporaries, Moscow, Russia
2017 - Smoke of Change, Moscow, Russia

Selected projects:
2023 - HOUSE OF ASHES, solo exhibition, "Babylon" performance art theater, Armenia, Yerevan
2023 - Participant in performance art show "The Borders Secret", "Babylon" performance art theater, Yerevan, Armenia.
2022 - PATSANY, ETO MRAK, personal exhibition, Moscow, space "qontur", Electrozavod
2020 - 3x, Buffet Bar, Moscow, Russia
2017 - creation of decorations for immersive show "The Returned", Moscow, Russia
2016-2017 - participant of creative association "ae corp. kids"

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