1996, Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow
Architect (Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Construction)
Student at the Joseph Bakstein Institute of Contemporary Art (2022-2024).
A manic fascination with dogs has haunted me since childhood. This love provokes me to work through this symbol. For many years I could not get a dog and as compensation I started to create work with them.
I mainly work with themes of pain and trauma. And living traumatic experiences accordingly. The way dogs are portrayed in our culture, the qualities they are given, is very appealing to me and meets my needs.
My work is both autobiographical and tells the stories of all people as a whole.
I work with a variety of materials and forms. From canvases, to plaster bas-reliefs, silkscreen, batik and street art.
-WIN-WIN Market, stand of “Birch” / Vinzavod/Moscow
-Group exhibition “The Most Discussed Animal on Earth”/ Arbuzz Gallery/Moscow
-Laboratory of Contemporary Art “Tsekh”/Moscow Museum of Modern Art/Moscow
-Street Art Festival “Mesto”/ Nizhny Novgorod
-Win-win Market, Joseph Bakstein Institute of Contemporary Art stand, Winzavod / Moscow
-Group exhibition “Pulsating Matter”, Center of Creative Industries Fabrika/ Moscow
-Group exhibition “Inversio”, Sol Gallery/Moscow
-Residence at the workshop “Grain”/ Nizhny Novgorod
- “That very Market” Mukha Gallery/Moscow
-Street art festival “Carte Blanche”/ Nizhny Novgorod
-Group exhibition “Behind the dolami, behind the green forests”, Terminal A / Nizhny Novgorod
-NHP Laboratory, Terminal A/Nizhny Novgorod
-WIN-WIN 5 Market, Vinzavod / Moscow
-Street Art Festival “Mesto”/ Nizhny Novgorod
-Personal exhibition in the bar Sur / Moscow
-Market BAY, Terminal A / Nizhny Novgorod
-Market WIN-WIN 4, Vinzavod / Moscow
-Mesto x Zaryadye exhibition, Severny Tunnel / Moscow
- Spring Auction, Futuro / Nizhny Novgorod
- street art festival “Mesto” / Nizhny Novgorod
-exhibition “MOLODOE” , Futuro / Nizhny Novgorod
- SAM FAIR / St. Petersburg