художник Prokazova Anna - картина Объект 1, из серии Вечная Весна - магический реализм - - Не указан -

Prokazova Anna

Object 1, from the Eternal Spring series
35х45 cm
Materials: acrylic,cardboard,fabric,linerboard
Year: 2023


€ 328
You can order a fitting in Moscow and the Moscow region. The cost of fitting is calculated individually.

Prokazova Anna
Object 1, from the Eternal Spring series, 35х45 cm

Materials: acrylic,cardboard,fabric,linerboard
Year: 2023
Series: eternal spring
€ 328
You can order a fitting in Moscow and the Moscow region. The cost of fitting is calculated individually.

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About author

Prokazova Anna Born in Moscow in 1992. In 2015 she graduated with honors from Plekhanov Russian Economic University with a degree in graphic design. In 2021 she graduated from the "Free Workshops of MMOMA" in the course of contemporary art.
She uses artistic techniques such as painting, installation, digital to convey her creative message.
Anna's works are in private collections in Russia and Europe.

Group exhibitions:
2022 - "A Historical Exposition of the World of Morphosis," MMOMA, Moscow
2021 - "There in the Far Away", Voronezh
2021 - "Palimpset", Lipetsk
2021 - "From Russia to Nowhere", Moscow-Lazarevskoye second-class carriage
2021 - "Send nudes", Store bar, Moscow
2021 - "Electro-art. Part 2", Sur bar, Moscow
2021 - "Fragile", Zverev Center for Contemporary Art
2021 - "From Russia to Nowhere. Purgatory", Moscow-Petushki train, bathhouse
2020 - "Omelchenko gallery 5 years", Moscow
2020 - "To the Table!", exhibition-performance within the framework of the festival "Taste of Paper".
2020 - "Train from Russia to Nowhere", exhibition in an electric train on the Moscow Ring Railway
2020 - "From Online to Offline", Omelchenko gallery, Moscow
2020 - "Medea's media forms", White Room Foundation, Moscow
2020 - "Artist/Woman Also Wants to the Sea", Antonov gallery, St Petersburg
2020 - "Post/Truism", Dobrolyubov Library exhibition space, Moscow, Russia. N. Dobrolyubov Library, Moscow
2018 - "5 Tips for Dummies", parallel program at the 6th Moscow International Biennale of Young Art, Omelchenko Gallery, Moscow
2017 - "Art Who Art", Bakery No. 9, Moscow

Online projects:
2020 - "And We Will Hang A Portrait Here," HERE on Taganka Gallery, curated by Andrey Bartenev

Publications in the media:
2020 - interview "Story from the Cover. To Live Inside"
2020 - Anna Prokazova: Feminism is not "against" men but "for" women, Art Uzel
2020 - article about "Medea's media forms" exhibition,
2020 - Interview on the art-mafia portal
2020 - article "Self-Isolation of Russian Artists", DELARTE Magazine
2020 - online catalog Ladies Drawing Club 'ISSUE 4
2017 - article "New hopes for old clothes", SNC media


See also